Psalm 18:28 "You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light."
Have you ever had a time in your life when things just looked dark? I'm not talking about being depressed, necessarily, but just where there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel? Life just seems to control you to the point that you aren't enjoying life? Been there...and very recently, I might add.
As I've been searching for the light at the end of the tunnel, praying, and begging God for answers, He began to reveal some things to me. Basically, I've been holding on to some things in my life that were keeping me from seeing that light. I had my little security blanket, preventing me from expanding my faith. Do you have any security blankets? Mine wasn't just a little blankie, it was a big, thick one. One I thought I would never let go of. One that I thought I couldn't let go of. I realized I had allowed that blanket to become my identity, essentially replacing Who should be my identity - my God.
If I am to grow spiritually, the decision was inevitable. I had to drop my security blanket and run into God's blanket of security. I was scared. I didn't know if I could do what I need to do, but I knew what God was telling me, so I obeyed. And you know what, after I obeyed, I am starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Take a look at the verse to memorize for this week. Psalm 18:28 "You, O LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light." When we just turn to the Lord, He sustains us. He keeps our lamp burning. Not only does He sustain us, but He turns what looks so dark and bleak into a wonderful ray of light! God has challenged me this last week to look for the light, drop my security blanket, and expand my faith. What's He teaching you?
© Beth Banfill
I'm dropping my security blanket
I'm following the light at the door
I'm putting all my trust in Your leading
With each step my faith is built even more.
Yes, I'm dropping my security blanket,
And I'm running into Your blanket of security.
We all have things we hold so dear
We think they make us who we are.
But God's telling me to have no fear
To let go. And let God take me far.
I'm dropping my security blanket
I'm following the light at the door
I'm putting all my trust in Your leading
With each step my faith is built even more.
Yes, I'm dropping my security blanket,
And I'm running into Your blanket of security.
No regrets. Pure Peace. His still small voice
Says, "Trust Me. I've got a plan."
So I resign my will, and I'll trust You still.
My life is secure in Your hands.
I'm dropping my security blanket
I'm following the light at the door
I'm putting all my trust in Your leading
With each step my faith is built even more.
Yes, I'm dropping my security blanket,
And I'm running into Your blanket of security.
My identity is not in my job or my things
It's not in all the things that I know
My identity lies only in Christ my King
The end of the tunnel is all aglow!
I'm dropping my security blanket
I'm following the light at the door
I'm putting all my trust in Your leading
With each step my faith is built even more.
Yes, I'm dropping my security blanket,
And I'm running into Your blanket of security.
---Beth Banfill