Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen; I will be exalted in the earth."
Last week was one of the roughest ones I've had in a while. My husband has been in Africa for nearly two weeks, and on Thursday, we found out that God had closed a door that until that point seemed wide open. God didn't just close it, He locked it and seemingly threw away the key. Honestly, I was pretty devastated. I found myself desperately crying, even arguing with God. By the time my tears had run dry, I found myself re-reading my own blog from last week. I told God He had a real sense of humor, because the sample prayer I wrote needed to be re-iterated in real time as I poured out my heart to my Father. Emotionally, I was spent before the day began on Thursday. I had a lot of questions for God, none of which He answered directly, except to say to me, "Be still, and know that I am God. I have a plan. Just have faith."
As I have prayed about what verse to memorize this week, Psalm 46:10 is the only verse God has given me peace about. If you're like me, you may already have the first part of the verse memorized, but you likely have not memorized the entire verse.
Let's take a look at it a little more deeply.
"Be still." This is a command, and it comes from a root word rapha, which means to be weak, to let go, or to release. Maybe a better translation might be "cause yourself to let go" or "let yourself become weak." Ok, God, I get it. Let go. Let go of my wishes and desires. Quit trying to be strong and handle things on your own. I release it to You.
Notice the second directive in the verse - know. How still should we be? We should be so still that we should surrender to the point that we know God is in control. God is God. God is God in the good times, and He is God in the rough times. We need to "give up, become weak, let go, and release" so that we can fully rely on God's strength and power.
The next two parts of the verse are a promise. You know we can rest fully in God that He is in control, but the end result is the topping on the cake. He will be the victor of the things of this world. His Kingdom will be established on the earth, and He will be exalted. Did you get that? HE WILL BE EXALTED!!! It doesn't matter what things don't go the way we want them to here on earth. My God is the King Supreme! In this battle of sin here on earth, He has already won the battle, and He is coming back to reign here on earth.
You know, when you put it in perspective, my "BIG PROBLEMS" are not problems at all to God. He clearly knows the outcome of every situation. He has a plan, and although I can't always see it in "real time" it doesn't matter. My job right now is just to be still, and know that He is God.
---Beth Banfill